A Nonprofit & Nonpolitical Organization, Under Societies Registration Act 1860.
Green Bag program: The outcome/result of worship depends on recitation of correct verses on the respective topic. Most of the time it is observed that people recites verses without having appropriate knowledge but there are verses on every topic in Al Quran. Alhadi, a spiritual saint, has been conducting research since long past on the verses applicable for respective tasks those are written in Holy Quran. Every Arabic month has its own spiritual value and to achieve that result Alhadi compiled some verses which bring the best outcome for that month. For example, to gain respect and wealth in life there are some verses which are to be recited in Safar month. To obtain the desired result of the worship, every day the Sufis put some money in a green bag in the name Allah which is spent for distressed people of the society and this program is called Green Bag program. In order to collect contribution, a Green bag is distributed in the month of Safar and the Sufis put their contribution till ends of Mahram month. The total contribution of all Sufis is spent in various welfare activities throughout the year like food distribution, marriage program of orphans, various Islamic occasion, health care program, purification program, free meditation program and so on.
For Meditation purpose: 01689111999, 01775014300, 01778066336 , 01763152353
TASAUF FOUNDATION 2010. All rights are reserved.